Rentals / Decor

Cupcake stand 1cupcake standUnity Table with Unity Sand Display holder rental Red organza basket rentalWhite wicker basket rental
Menu display holder rentalGold basket rentalYellow overlaySilver wedding bellsFeather light rentalSilver fabric arch pink and blue flowers
Orange candle centerpieceSilver square cake stand rentalPink candle centerpieceSilver plant stand rentalGreen candle centerpieceRed table runners
Silver overlayCeremony decor flowersIce blue overlayCeremony chairsWedding cakeFeather centerpiece
Rental items , a set on Flickr.

Unity Table with Unity Sand GEDC0454GEDC0453GEDC0449GEDC0456GEDC0457
GEDC0461twp pars w gobo tolentino jonesSeating chart table  Feather CenterpieceLighted sweetheart table Ceremony chairs
LogoCocktail roomSlide showRed table runnersBlue bottle kozzie favorsBlue and white gift table
Red and white gift tableTiffany overlay head tableTiffany Up lights, overlaysTiffany blue and coral room

Linen, a set on Flickr.

Tiffany Up lights, overlaysUplightsThe last dance Slide showYellow up light and pink rose petalsSilver square cake stand rental
Pink up lightPurple up lightMoon pie favor glow moon centerpieceRed up light

Lights, a set on Flickr.